Issue 21, 2013

Deformable vesicles interacting in a nematic liquid crystal


Using a lattice-Boltzmann algorithm, we investigate the behavior of 2D deformable vesicles immersed in a nematic liquid crystal. We represent our particles using a bead-spring model, with both linear and angular springs, and assume homeotropic anchoring of the liquid crystal at the particle surface. The resulting liquid crystal defects and distortions lead to a non-uniform pressure exerted on the particle surface, accompanied by a deformation of its shape. We present the resulting equilibrium shapes for a range of surface elasticities, and investigate the interactions between pairs of vesicles.

Graphical abstract: Deformable vesicles interacting in a nematic liquid crystal

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Article information

Article type
19 Dec 2012
09 Apr 2013
First published
24 Apr 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 5285-5292

Deformable vesicles interacting in a nematic liquid crystal

F. E. Mackay and C. Denniston, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 5285 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27906E

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