Issue 24, 2013

Efficient work-function engineering of solution-processed MoS2 thin-films for novel hole and electron transport layers leading to high-performance polymer solar cells


The work-function of MoS2 interfacial layers can be efficiently modulated by p- and n-doping treatments. As a result, the PCE of devices with a p-doped MoS2-based HTL is increased from ∼2.8 to ∼3.4%. Particularly, after n-doping the PCE was dramatically increased due to the change in work-function compared with un-doped MoS2 thin-films.

Graphical abstract: Efficient work-function engineering of solution-processed MoS2 thin-films for novel hole and electron transport layers leading to high-performance polymer solar cells

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Article information

Article type
18 Mar 2013
21 Apr 2013
First published
22 Apr 2013

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013,1, 3777-3783

Efficient work-function engineering of solution-processed MoS2 thin-films for novel hole and electron transport layers leading to high-performance polymer solar cells

J. Yun, Y. Noh, J. Yeo, Y. Go, S. Na, H. Jeong, J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Kim, H. Y. Koo, T. Kim and D. Kim, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 3777 DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30504J

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