Issue 44, 2014

The invertible electrochemical properties and thermal response of a series of gel-type ionic liquids based on polyoxometalates


A series of vanadium-substituted Dawson-structure POM-type ionic liquids, [TEAPS]7P2W17VO62 and [TEAPS]9P2W15V3O62, bearing sulfo-group grafted ammonium (TEAPS) cations and Dawson-type polyoxoanions have been formed which are reversible-thermal-response type gels. These gel-type compounds exhibit a phase transition from a quasi-solid gel phase to an isotropic sol phase. What's more, this series of hybrid compounds can undergo reversible electrochemical reactions in dimethyl formamide (DMF) owing to the reduction of the vanadium in POM anions as a simple anion, which is unlikely to happen in water solution because of water protonation.

Graphical abstract: The invertible electrochemical properties and thermal response of a series of gel-type ionic liquids based on polyoxometalates

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Article type
16 Aug 2014
27 Sep 2014
First published
01 Oct 2014

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 24598-24603

Author version available

The invertible electrochemical properties and thermal response of a series of gel-type ionic liquids based on polyoxometalates

X. Wu, Y. Li, Q. Wu, H. Ding and W. Yan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 24598 DOI: 10.1039/C4CP03673E

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