Issue 9, 2014

Core–shell-like Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/CdZnS heterostructure synthesized by super-close-space sublimation for broadband down-conversion


Combination with semiconductors is a promising approach to the realization of broadband excitation of light conversion materials based on rare earth compounds, to boost the energy efficiency of silicon solar cells. Cd1−xZnxS is a wide bandgap semiconductor with large exciton binding energy. By changing its composition, the bandgap of Cd1−xZnxS can be tuned to match the absorption of trivalent lanthanide (Ln) ions, which makes it a competent energy donor for the Ln3+–Yb3+ couple. In this work, we designed a clean route to a broadband down-converter based on a core–shell-like Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/Cd0.81Zn0.19S (CdZnS) heterostructure. By hot-pressing and subsequent annealing of a Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/CdZnS mixture, highly pure CdZnS was sublimated and deposited on the Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+] grains while maintaining the original composition of the precursor. The CdZnS shell acted as a light absorber and energy donor for the Tb3+–Yb3+ quantum cutting couple. Because the use of solvents was avoided during the formation of the heterostructures, few impurities were incorporated into the samples, and the non-radiative transition was therefore markedly suppressed. The Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/CdZnS heterostructures possess strong near-infrared (NIR) luminescence from Yb3+. Broadband down-conversion to the Yb3+ NIR emission was obtained in a wide range of 250–650 nm.

Graphical abstract: Core–shell-like Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/CdZnS heterostructure synthesized by super-close-space sublimation for broadband down-conversion

Article information

Article type
14 Dec 2013
20 Jan 2014
First published
28 Jan 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 4745-4749

Core–shell-like Y2O3:[(Tb3+–Yb3+), Li+]/CdZnS heterostructure synthesized by super-close-space sublimation for broadband down-conversion

X. Wu, Z. Zhang, F. Meng, Y. Yu, L. Han, X. Liu and J. Meng, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 4745 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR06625H

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