Issue 12, 2014

Mercury(ii)-stimulated oxidase mimetic activity of silver nanoparticles as a sensitive and selective mercury(ii) sensor


Research on oxidase mimics is challenging but important. In this article, mercury(II) ion enabled citrate-capped silver nanoparticles (Cit–AgNPs) exhibit catalytic activity toward the oxidation of typical chromogenic substrate 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by dissolved oxygen under mild conditions, suggesting a new type of oxidase mimic. In addition, the oxidase-like activity of Cit–AgNPs was sensitive to the concentration of mercury(II) ions and selective towards mercury(II) ions among other metal ions. Based on this, a facile colorimetric mercury(II) ion sensor was developed. Hg2+ was reduced on the surface of Cit–AgNPs to form Hg–Ag alloys. The Hg–Ag alloys activated oxygen and generated superoxide anions, which oxidized TMB. This discovery indicates the potential of nanoparticles for efficient enzyme mimetics.

Graphical abstract: Mercury(ii)-stimulated oxidase mimetic activity of silver nanoparticles as a sensitive and selective mercury(ii) sensor

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Sep 2013
05 Nov 2013
First published
19 Nov 2013

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 5867-5872

Mercury(II)-stimulated oxidase mimetic activity of silver nanoparticles as a sensitive and selective mercury(II) sensor

G. Wang, X. Xu, L. Cao, C. He, Z. Li and C. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 5867 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA45226C

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