Electron impact scattering by SF6 molecule over an extensive energy range
The present article reports the theoretical total cross sections for e-SF6 scattering over the energy range 0.1–5000 eV. For low-energy calculations up to the ionization threshold of the target, the ab initio R-matrix formalism is employed, and beyond that energy the spherical complex optical potential method is used. Elastic, electronic excitation, rotational excitation, momentum transfer and total cross sections were calculated and the results of the low-energy calculations are presented. Differential elastic cross sections for various energies are also reported here. We have identified and detected two resonances at energies of 5.43 and 17.02 eV with the possible formation of anions. The present results show reasonable agreement with the existing theoretical and experimental results. The current work is the first report of the rotational excitation cross sections for the e-SF6 scattering system.