Issue 91, 2014

Organocatalytic asymmetric vinylogous Michael addition of 3-alkylidene oxindoles to α-substituted β-nitroacrylates: facile construction of a chiral all-carbon quaternary center


A highly enantioselective vinylogous Michael addition reaction of 3-alkylidene oxindoles to α-substituted β-nitroacrylates has been developed by using a cinchona alkaloid-squaramide bifunctional organocatalyst, which provides a series of chiral products bearing all-carbon quaternary stereocenters in excellent yields with high enantioselectives (up to 97%).

Graphical abstract: Organocatalytic asymmetric vinylogous Michael addition of 3-alkylidene oxindoles to α-substituted β-nitroacrylates: facile construction of a chiral all-carbon quaternary center

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Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2014
25 Sep 2014
First published
25 Sep 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 49930-49933

Organocatalytic asymmetric vinylogous Michael addition of 3-alkylidene oxindoles to α-substituted β-nitroacrylates: facile construction of a chiral all-carbon quaternary center

Y. Zhong, S. Ma, Z. Xu, M. Chang and R. Wang, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 49930 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA09128K

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