Issue 4, 2014

Non-close-packed pore arrays through one-step breath figure self-assembly and reversal


Non-close-packed arrays of micro- and submicron-pores with separation distances many multiples of pore size were fabricated using a dynamic self-assembly method known as breath figure patterning. We report a novel method by which these arrays can be formed via the in situ control of growth and shrinkage of the water droplet arrays during polymer film drying. Transfer of the polymer solution onto a thermally conductive stage midway during the drying process afforded breath figure arrays with feature separation-to-size ratios of up to 12.44. This novel approach introduces the possibility of forming non-close-packed morphologies not typically accessible via traditional self-assembly methods.

Graphical abstract: Non-close-packed pore arrays through one-step breath figure self-assembly and reversal

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
12 Aug 2013
07 Dec 2013
First published
09 Dec 2013

Chem. Sci., 2014,5, 1375-1382

Author version available

Non-close-packed pore arrays through one-step breath figure self-assembly and reversal

A. Z. Thong, D. S. Wei Lim, A. Ahsan, G. T. Wei Goh, J. Xu and J. M. Chin, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1375 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC52258J

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