Issue 19, 2015

Electrochemical monitoring of colloidal silver nanowires in aqueous samples


Silver nanowires (NWs) are increasingly utilized in technological materials and consumer products, but an effective analytical technique is not yet available to measure their concentration in the environment. Here, we present an electrochemical method to quantify Ag NWs suspended in aqueous solution. Using linear sweep voltammetry, the Ag NWs are identified by the peak potential while their concentration is revealed by the intensity of the peak current. The peak current varies linearly with the Ag NW concentration with a low detection limit of 3.50 ng mL−1. This method is also successfully applied to quantify Ag NWs in mixtures with nanoparticles, through their specific oxidation behavior, and in wastewater obtained after the Ag NW film preparation process.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical monitoring of colloidal silver nanowires in aqueous samples

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Article information

Article type
25 Jun 2015
06 Aug 2015
First published
07 Aug 2015

Analyst, 2015,140, 6705-6710

Author version available

Electrochemical monitoring of colloidal silver nanowires in aqueous samples

C. A. Li and D. Kim, Analyst, 2015, 140, 6705 DOI: 10.1039/C5AN01264C

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