Issue 23, 2015

Direct access to macroporous chromium nitride and chromium titanium nitride with inverse opal structure


We report a facile synthesis of single-phase, nanocrystalline macroporous chromium nitride and chromium titanium nitride with an inverse opal morphology. The material is characterized using XRD, SEM, HR-TEM/STEM, TGA and XPS. Interconversion of macroporous CrN to Cr2O3 and back to CrN while retaining the inverse opal morphology is also demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Direct access to macroporous chromium nitride and chromium titanium nitride with inverse opal structure

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2014
09 Feb 2015
First published
09 Feb 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 4876-4879

Author version available

Direct access to macroporous chromium nitride and chromium titanium nitride with inverse opal structure

W. Zhao and F. J. DiSalvo, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 4876 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC09564B

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