Issue 89, 2015

Steric control of the in/out sense of bridgehead substituents in macrobicyclic compounds: isolation of new “crossed chain” variants of in/out isomers


Isomers of the cage like dibridgehead diphosphine P((CH2)14)3P (1) are treated with Ph3PAu(2,6-C6H3(Trip)2) (2 equiv.; Trip = 2,4,6-C6H2(iPr)3). With out,out-1, workup gives out,out-1·(Au(2,6-C6H3(Trip)2))2 (46%), as confirmed by a crystal structure. With in,out-1, crystallization affords not in,out-1·(Au(2,6-C6H3(Trip)2))2, but rather an out,out isomer in which one of the (CH2)14 segments threads through the macrocycle formed by the other two. Implications for mechanisms of interconversion of in,out isomers are analyzed.

Graphical abstract: Steric control of the in/out sense of bridgehead substituents in macrobicyclic compounds: isolation of new “crossed chain” variants of in/out isomers

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Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2015
28 Aug 2015
First published
08 Sep 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 16053-16056

Steric control of the in/out sense of bridgehead substituents in macrobicyclic compounds: isolation of new “crossed chain” variants of in/out isomers

M. Stollenz, D. Taher, N. Bhuvanesh, J. H. Reibenspies, Z. Baranová and J. A. Gladysz, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 16053 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC05620A

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