Issue 41, 2015

Room-temperature, solution-processable organic electron extraction layer for high-performance planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells


In this work, we describe a room-temperature, solution-processable organic electron extraction layer (EEL) for high-performance planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells (PHJ PVSCs). This EEL is composed of a bilayered fulleropyrrolidinium iodide (FPI)-polyethyleneimine (PEIE) and PC61BM, which yields a promising power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.7% with insignificant hysteresis. We reveal that PC61BM can serve as a surface modifier of FPI-PEIE to simultaneously facilitate the crystallization of perovskite and the charge extraction at FPI-PEIE/CH3NH3PbI3 interface. Furthermore, the FPI-PEIE can also tune the work function of ITO and dope PC61BM to promote the efficient electron transport between ITO and PC61BM. Based on the advantages of room-temperature processability and decent electrical property of FPI-PEIE/PC61BM EEL, a high-performance flexible PVSC with a PCE ∼10% is eventually demonstrated. This study shows the potential of low-temperature processed organic EEL to replace transition metal oxide-based interlayers for highly printing compatible PVSCs with high-performance.

Graphical abstract: Room-temperature, solution-processable organic electron extraction layer for high-performance planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 Jun 2015
18 Sep 2015
First published
24 Sep 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 17343-17349

Author version available

Room-temperature, solution-processable organic electron extraction layer for high-performance planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells

J. H. Kim, C. Chueh, S. T. Williams and A. K.-Y. Jen, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 17343 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04250J

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