Thermal–structural relationship of individual titania nanotubes
The thermal properties of nano-scale materials are largely influenced by their geometry. The zero, one and quasi one dimensional forms of the same material could exhibit unique thermal transport properties depending upon the shape and nano-scale feature size. In order to gain a clear understanding of the contributions from geometrical scattering effects on thermal transport, it is required to study these nano-materials in a single isolated form rather than in clusters or films. In the past decade, titanium dioxide nanotube arrays fabricated by anodic oxidation of titanium emerged as a useful semiconductor architecture for a variety of applications, particularly for solar energy conversion. Nonetheless, the thermal properties of individual nanotubes that are important for their use in high temperature applications have not been clearly understood. Here we report the thermal transport properties of individual titania nanotubes as revealed by our preliminary study using a suspended microdevice that facilitates the thermal conductivity measurements and crystal structure investigation on the same nanotube. The nanotubes were prepared by anodic oxidation of a titanium foil in HF–DMSO electrolyte at 60 V, having outer diameters in the range of 200 to 300 nm and wall thicknesses of ∼30 to 70 nm in either amorphous or polycrystalline anatase phase. The thermal conductivity of single nanotubes was found to be very close to that of the amorphous phase (1.5 W mK−1 and 0.85 W mK−1 respectively) and it was only half of the thermal conductivity of the nanotube arrays in the film form. The thermal conductivity of bulk TiO2 is known to be almost six times higher. The observed thermal conductivity suppression in single nanotubes was explained using a transport model developed by considering diffuse phonon-surface scattering and scattering of phonons by ionized impurities of concentrations in the order of 1018–1019 cm−3.