Issue 53, 2015

Ultrasmall Cu2O nanocrystals: facile synthesis, controllable assembly and photocatalytic properties


In this work, we have successfully synthesized ultrasmall Cu2O nanocrystals with uniform sizes through a solution-based method. By virtue of the ideal Cu2O building blocks, 2D or 3D Cu2O superstructures can be easily achieved by tailoring the assembly process. The results indicate that diethyl carbonate (DEC) plays a crucial role for controlled self-assembly of Cu2O nanoparticles into a range of superstructures. Interestingly, the aggregative growths of Cu2O nanocrystals in the self-assembly process are accompanied by oriented attachment and Ostwald ripening. Furthermore, Cu2O and Cu2O–Au 3D colloidal spheres can be also obtained by an emulsion-based bottom-up self-assembly strategy. The results show that, compared with pure Cu2O nanospheres, the as-obtained Cu2O–Au nanospheres exhibit remarkable photocatalytic activities in the photodegradation of methyl orange (MO).

Graphical abstract: Ultrasmall Cu2O nanocrystals: facile synthesis, controllable assembly and photocatalytic properties

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Article information

Article type
05 Apr 2015
07 May 2015
First published
07 May 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 42855-42860

Ultrasmall Cu2O nanocrystals: facile synthesis, controllable assembly and photocatalytic properties

X. Yuan, H. Yuan, L. Ye, J. Hu, Y. Xu and P. Li, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 42855 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA06141E

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