Issue 102, 2015

Transition metal/metal oxide modified MCM-41 for pollutant degradation and hydrogen energy production: a review


In recent years, metal/metal oxide functionalized mesoporous materials have received increasing attention in science and technology due to their fascinating properties, such as a large surface area, mesoscopic bulky shape, and interconnected porous structures enabling them to be one of the most promising materials for catalysis and photo catalysis. This review summarizes the recent developments in design, preparation and applications of transition metal/metal oxide promoted MCM-41 for production of hydrogen energy and removal of aqueous pollutants. After a brief introduction of these materials and synthetic strategies, their characterizations and applications in aqueous pollutant degradation by photocatalysis/photo-Fenton processes and H2 energy production by photocatalytic water splitting are summarized. Finally, the future perspectives directions for this promising field are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Transition metal/metal oxide modified MCM-41 for pollutant degradation and hydrogen energy production: a review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
22 Jul 2015
22 Sep 2015
First published
02 Oct 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 83707-83724

Transition metal/metal oxide modified MCM-41 for pollutant degradation and hydrogen energy production: a review

D. P. Sahoo, D. Rath, B. Nanda and K. M. Parida, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 83707 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA14555D

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