Issue 20, 2015

Improved photovoltaic performance of star-shaped molecules with a triphenylamine core by tuning the substituted position of the carbazolyl unit at the terminal


Two star-shaped molecules of TPA(BT–2Cz)3 and TPA(BT–3Cz)3 with a triphenyl-amine (TPA) core were designed and synthesized, in which 2- and 3-carbazolyl units (2Cz and 3Cz) are attached to the benzothiadiazole (BT) arms as planar terminal groups, respectively. Although both molecules show a similar broad UV-Vis absorption covering from 300 nm to 560 nm, different photovoltaic performances were observed owing to the varied linked positions of terminal carbazolyl units. In contrast to TPA(BT–2Cz)3-based solar cells, solution-processable organic solar cells (OSCs) based on TPA(BT–3Cz)3 exhibited better photovoltaic performance with the maximum power conversion efficiency up to 3.94% and an enhanced short-circuit current of 8.80 mA cm−2. This work further demonstrates that tuning the substituted position of the terminal carbazolyl group can significantly improve the photovoltaic performance of its resulting small molecules.

Graphical abstract: Improved photovoltaic performance of star-shaped molecules with a triphenylamine core by tuning the substituted position of the carbazolyl unit at the terminal

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2015
15 Apr 2015
First published
17 Apr 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 10883-10889

Improved photovoltaic performance of star-shaped molecules with a triphenylamine core by tuning the substituted position of the carbazolyl unit at the terminal

P. Zhou, D. Dang, M. Xiao, Q. Wang, J. Zhong, H. Tan, Y. Pei, R. Yang and W. Zhu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 10883 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA00166H

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