Issue 23, 2015

N-doped carbon nanocages with high catalytic activity and durability for oxygen reduction


The development of a carbon based non-precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is of paramount importance for the essential implementation of both proton exchange membrane fuel cells and metal–air batteries. In this work, we report a feasible strategy to synthesize N-doped carbon nanocages (NCNC) with high activity and durability. This is achieved by the pyrolysis of pyridine and iron carbonyl and subsequent heat treatment in the presence of NH4Cl. Based on detailed studies on the pore structure, the type and transformation of nitrogen-related functional groups, we find that the sample after heat treatment with NH4Cl has a high specific surface area up to 1093 m2 g−1. Also, the sample with high graphitic N doping possesses much better ORR catalytic activity than those dominated by pyridinic and pyrrolic N. The half-wave potential for the final NCNC catalyst is only 40 mV less than a commercial Pt/C catalyst at the initial stage. But the NCNC catalyst shows much better durability than the Pt/C catalyst in acidic electrolytes, and thus provides a new opportunity for Pt replacement.

Graphical abstract: N-doped carbon nanocages with high catalytic activity and durability for oxygen reduction

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2015
28 Apr 2015
First published
30 Apr 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 12427-12435

N-doped carbon nanocages with high catalytic activity and durability for oxygen reduction

X. X. Wang, B. Zou, X. X. Du and J. N. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 12427 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA02009C

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