Issue 37, 2015

Individual single-crystal nanowires as electrodes for organic single-crystal nanodevices


Conductive, transparent, and flexible SnO2:Sb single-crystal nanowires are shown as electrodes for F16CuPc single-crystal nanowire devices on flexible plastic, which includes anisotropic-transport OFETs, electrode-movable OFETs, and p–n junction photovoltaic devices. The SnO2:Sb nanowires provide a good energy level match and excellent soft contact with F16CuPc nanowires, leading to multifaceted applications of the SnO2:Sb nanowire in nanowire electronics and optoelectronics, as well as high device performance. Combined with their good size compatibility, these results show that the conductive SnO2:Sb single-crystal nanowire opens a window into the fundamental understanding of the intrinsic properties of highly ordered organic semiconductors, optimization and miniaturization of organic nanocircuits, and development of new-generation flexible organic nanodevices.

Graphical abstract: Individual single-crystal nanowires as electrodes for organic single-crystal nanodevices

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Article type
29 Jun 2015
04 Aug 2015
First published
05 Aug 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 9534-9539

Individual single-crystal nanowires as electrodes for organic single-crystal nanodevices

G. Wang, Q. Tang, Y. Tong, W. Hu and Y. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 9534 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01920F

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