Issue 32, 2016

A silica-based magnetic platform decorated with mixed ligand gold nanoparticles: a recyclable catalyst for esterification reactions


A novel and convenient synthetic strategy for the preparation of magnetically responsive silica nanospheres decorated with mixed ligand protected gold nanoparticles is described. Gold nanoparticles are attached to the silica surface via stable amide bond formation. The hierarchical nanospheres show promising results as reusable and efficient catalysts for esterification reactions and they can be recovered through a simple magnetic separation.

Graphical abstract: A silica-based magnetic platform decorated with mixed ligand gold nanoparticles: a recyclable catalyst for esterification reactions

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Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2016
10 Mar 2016
First published
10 Mar 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 5573-5576

A silica-based magnetic platform decorated with mixed ligand gold nanoparticles: a recyclable catalyst for esterification reactions

E. Ertem, N. Murillo-Cremaes, R. P. Carney, A. Laromaine, E. Janeček, A. Roig and F. Stellacci, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 5573 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC01146B

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