Issue 72, 2016

Nickel-catalyzed C–N bond reduction of aromatic and benzylic quaternary ammonium triflates


A nickel-catalyzed, efficient C–N bond reduction of aromatic and benzylic ammonium triflates has been developed using sodium isopropoxide as a reducing agent. The high efficiency, mild conditions, and good compatibility with various substituents made this method an effective supplement to the current catalytic hydrogenation reactions. Combining this reductive deamination reaction with directed aromatic functionalization reactions, a powerful strategy for regioselective functionalization of arenes was demonstrated using dialkylamine groups as traceless directing groups.

Graphical abstract: Nickel-catalyzed C–N bond reduction of aromatic and benzylic quaternary ammonium triflates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 May 2016
10 Aug 2016
First published
10 Aug 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 10894-10897

Nickel-catalyzed C–N bond reduction of aromatic and benzylic quaternary ammonium triflates

Y. Yi, W. Yang, D. Zhai, X. Zhang, S. Li and B. Guan, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 10894 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04531F

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