Issue 46, 2016

Rotational dynamics of Li+ ions encapsulated in C60 cages at low temperatures


Li+ ions encapsulated in fullerene C60 cages (Li+@C60) are expected to be suitable as molecular switches that respond to local electric fields. In this study, the rotational dynamics of Li+ ions in C60 cages at low temperatures are experimentally revealed for the first time using terahertz absorption spectroscopy. In crystalline [Li+@C60](PF6), the Li+ ion rotates in the carbon cage even at 150 K. The rotational mode gradually changes into a librational mode below 120 K, which is associated with the localization of Li+ ions due to the electrostatic interactions with its screening image charge on the C60 cage as well as with the neighboring Li+@C60 and PF6 ions. A simple rotational/librational energy scheme for the Li+ ions successfully explains the spectroscopic results, and the potential of Li+@C60 as a molecular switch is discussed based on the energy scheme.

Graphical abstract: Rotational dynamics of Li+ ions encapsulated in C60 cages at low temperatures

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Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2016
03 Nov 2016
First published
07 Nov 2016

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016,18, 31384-31387

Rotational dynamics of Li+ ions encapsulated in C60 cages at low temperatures

H. Suzuki, M. Ishida, M. Yamashita, C. Otani, K. Kawachi, Y. Kasama and E. Kwon, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 31384 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP06949E

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