Synthesis of 3-stannyl and 3-silyl propargyl phosphanes and the formation of a phosphinoallene†
The group 14 chloropropargyls R3ECCCH2Cl (R3E = nBu3Sn, Ph3Sn, Me2PhSi, iPr3Si, nPr3Si, nBu3Si), obtained by a modified literature procedure, react with LiPPh2 to afford the novel propargyl phosphanes Ph2PCH2C
CER3 in high yield, as viscous oils; (Me3Si)2PCH2C
CSiPhMe2 is similarly obtained from LiP(SiMe3)2. In contrast, the reaction of PhC
CCH2MgCl with ClP(NEt2)2 fails to produce a comparable propargyl phosphane, but generates preferentially (>70%) the novel phosphinoallene (Et2N)2PC(Ph)
CH2, which is characterised spectroscopically, and through its reaction with HCl. The coordination chemistry of representative phosphanes is explored with respect to platinum and palladium for the first time.
- This article is part of the themed collection: Phosphorus Chemistry: Discoveries and Advances