Synthesis of oxime-based CO-releasing molecules, CORMs and their immobilization on maghemite nanoparticles for magnetic-field induced CO release†
Oxime-based CO-releasing molecules (oximeCORMs) were immobilized with a catechol-modified backbone on maghemite iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) to give oximeCORM@IONP. The CO release from the free and immobilized oximeCORMs was measured using the standard myoglobin assay. The oximeCORM-nanoparticles were coated with dextran for improved water solubility and confined into an alginate shell for protection and separation from the surrounding myoglobin assay to allow for CO release studies by UV/Vis absorption without interference from highly-absorptive oximeCORM@IONP. Half-lifes of the oxime-based polymer-confined alginate@dextran@oximeCORM@IONPs were estimated at 20 °C to 814 ± 23 min, at 37 °C to 346 ± 83 min and at 50 °C to 73 ± 1 min. The alginate@dextran@oximeCORM@IONP composite showed a further decrease of the half-life of CO release to 153 ± 27 min at 37 °C through local magnetic heating of the susceptible iron oxide nanoparticles with application of an external alternating magnetic field (31.7 kA m−1, 247 kHz, 39.9 mTesla). The activation energy for the CO release from molecular dicarbonylchlorido(imidazole-2-carbaldehydeoxime)(alkoxycarbonyl)ruthenium(II) complexes is determined to be ∼100 kJ mol−1 for five different imidazole-oxime derivatives.