In situ measurement of Os isotopic ratios in sulfides calibrated against ultra-fine particle standards using LA-MC-ICP-MS
In this study, an improved method is developed to determine the Os isotopic ratio in sulfides using LA-MC-ICP-MS. Ultra-fine chalcopyrite and pyrite powders are first produced via an ultrafine process to make a pressed tablet and a fused pellet. Analyses indicate that the pressed tablets CR-1P (high-Re and extremely low-Os) and CO-1P (high-Os and low-Re) are homogeneous enough to be used as in-house matrix-matched standards for Re–Os isotopic analyses by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Compared to the fused pellet of pyrite (POR-1F), the fused pellet of chalcopyrite (COR-1F) shows a higher degree of phase separation, implying that the Fe–S system may be more suitable than the Cu–Fe–S system for making sulfide fused pellets. The mass fractionation coefficients of Re (βRe) for isobaric interference correction are then calculated according to the real-time analysis of CR-1P and applied to the real samples via linear interpolation. Mass fractionation of Os is corrected by normalizing 189Os/188Os to 1.21978. To estimate the upper limit of reliable interference correction of 187Re on 187Os, critical lines are obtained by the analyses of Re-bearing samples. It is demonstrated that the uncertainty of the calculated 187Os/188Os ratio can be limited to within 0.8% (relative error) for samples with 187Re/188Os <1.4 and 0.5% (relative error) for samples with 187Re/188Os <0.6.