An enzyme-coupled artificial photosynthesis system prepared from antenna protein-mimetic tyrosyl bolaamphiphile self-assembly†
An artificial photosynthesis system coupled with an enzyme was constructed using the nanospherical self-assembly of tyrosyl bolaamphiphiles, which worked as a host matrix exhibiting an antenna effect that allowed enhanced energy transfer to the ZnDPEG photosensitizer. The excited electrons from the photosensitizer were transferred to NAD+ to produce NADH, which subsequently initiated the conversion of an aldehyde to ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase. Production of NADH and ethanol was enhanced by increasing the concentration of tyrosyl bolaamphiphiles. Spectroscopic investigations proved that the photosensitizer closely associated with the surface of the bolaamphiphile assembly through hydrogen bonds that allowed energy transfer between the host matrix and the photosensitizer. This study demonstrates that the self-assembly of bolaamphiphiles could be applicable to the construction of biomimetic energy systems exploiting biochemical activity.