Fuel cell anode catalyst performance can be stabilized with a molecularly rigid film of polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIM)
There remains a major materials challenge in maintaining the performance of platinum (Pt) anode catalysts in fuel cells due to corrosion and blocking of active sites. Herein, we report a new materials strategy for improving anode catalyst stability based on a protective microporous coating with an inert and highly rigid (non-blocking) polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-EA-TB). The “anti-corrosion” effect of the PIM-EA-TB coating is demonstrated with a commercial Pt catalyst (3–5 nm diameter, 40 wt% Pt on Vulcan-72) and for three important fuel cell anode reactions: (i) methanol oxidation, (ii) ethanol oxidation, and (iii) formic acid oxidation.