Issue 50, 2016, Issue in Progress

A generalized Read–Shockley model and large scale simulations for the energy and structure of graphene grain boundaries


The grain boundary (GB) energy is a quantity of fundamental importance for understanding several key properties of graphene. Here we present a comprehensive theoretical and numerical study of the entire space of symmetric and asymmetric graphene GBs. We have simulated over 79 000 graphene GBs to explore the configuration space of GBs in graphene. We use a generalized Read–Shockley theory and the Frank–Bilby relation to develop analytical expressions for the GB energy as a function of the misorientation angle and the line angle, and elucidate the salient structural features of the low energy GB configurations.

Graphical abstract: A generalized Read–Shockley model and large scale simulations for the energy and structure of graphene grain boundaries

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Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2016
27 Apr 2016
First published
29 Apr 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 44489-44497

Author version available

A generalized Read–Shockley model and large scale simulations for the energy and structure of graphene grain boundaries

A. Shekhawat, C. Ophus and R. O. Ritchie, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 44489 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA07584C

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