New clathrates of Rb7.50(1)Tl0.50(1)Ge46 and K7.62(1)Tl0.38(1)Ge45.34(3)†
New Tl type-I clathrates of K7.62(1)Tl0.38(1)Ge45.34(3) and Rb7.50(1)Tl0.50(1)Ge46 were synthesized via solid-state reaction. Rb7.50(1)Tl0.50(1)Ge46 and K7.62(1)Tl0.38(1)Ge45.34(3) were found to crystallize in space groups Pmn and Ia
d with lattice parameters of a = 10.81559(7) Å and a = 21.4290(2) Å, respectively. Theoretical calculations indicated metallic features based on the calculation models of Rb7Tl1Ge46 and K7Tl1Ge46 in the space group of Pm
. The densities of states at the Fermi level were predominantly determined by the Ge s and Ge p orbitals of Rb7Tl1Ge46 and K7Tl1Ge46.