Issue 12, 2016

Optimized mixed ionic–electronic conductivity in two-phase ceria–zirconia composite with cobalt oxide and Na2CO3 as suitable additives


Composite membranes consisting of tantalum doped ceria (TDC) and yttria doped zirconia (YSZ) were investigated, aiming at an optimized mixed ionic–electronic conduction. A particular interest was to find suitable additives that minimize the usually high interface resistance for both electron and oxygen ion transport at ceria–zirconia two phase interfaces. Two types of additives were investigated: (a) CoO, to improve the electronic conduction and (b) Na2CO3, SrCO3 and BaCO3, to achieve a favorable influence on the ionic transport at and through grain boundaries. As compared to cobalt oxide free composites, ∼1.6 wt% CoO (1 mol%) increased the electronic conductivity by one decade. Regarding the ion transport, SrCO3 and BaCO3 exhibited no favorable influence, whereas the addition of 20 wt% Na2CO3 caused a clear increase in ionic conductivity by three orders of magnitude. The combined effect of cobalt oxide and Na2CO3 addition was optimized finally in a sample with ∼1.6 wt% CoO doping and ∼14.3 wt% Na2CO3 addition which showed a conductivity value nearly 1000 times higher than the additive free TDC–YSZ composite. Ionic and electronic conductivities for this sample were comparatively high and enough to achieve a good MIEC composite membrane. A consistent model is given to explain the transport mechanism which supports a continuous oxygen ion transport through a Na2CO3 interlayers between two YSZ grains. It is based on sodium ion mobility, exchange of O2− ions and reversible formation of Na2O and CO2 in the same way as known from corresponding Na2CO3 based CO2 sensors.

Graphical abstract: Optimized mixed ionic–electronic conductivity in two-phase ceria–zirconia composite with cobalt oxide and Na2CO3 as suitable additives

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Article information

Article type
02 Dec 2015
04 Feb 2016
First published
05 Feb 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 4402-4412

Optimized mixed ionic–electronic conductivity in two-phase ceria–zirconia composite with cobalt oxide and Na2CO3 as suitable additives

A. Maheshwari and H. Wiemhöfer, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4402 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA09832G

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