Issue 24, 2016

Phosphate-perylene modified G-quadruplex probes for the detection of Pb2+ using fluorescence anisotropy


A simple and universal phosphate-perylene modification strategy was applied in the development of G-quadruplex probes with thrombin binding aptamer (TBA) and [d(TGGGT)4] (G4) sequences. A perylene moiety was inserted at different phosphate positions of oligonucleotides without a significant effect on the G-quadruplex structures. Upon binding with K+ or Pb2+, these probes showed different perylene fluorescence anisotropy responses due to the different labeling positions and G-quadruplex structures. Two probes (G4-9 and TBA-9) were successfully used in Pb2+ detection through fluorescence anisotropy. Once the complexes of Pb2+ with G4-9 or TBA-9 were formed, the rotational diffusion of the perylene moiety was limited, resulting in a significant increase in fluorescence anisotropy. Both probes showed good sensitivity to Pb2+ and their fluorescence anisotropy signals demonstrated good linear responses to the logarithm of Pb2+ concentrations and the detection limits were 24.5 nM and 30.0 nM for TBA-9 and G4-9, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Phosphate-perylene modified G-quadruplex probes for the detection of Pb2+ using fluorescence anisotropy

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Article information

Article type
01 Mar 2016
23 May 2016
First published
24 May 2016

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016,4, 4330-4336

Phosphate-perylene modified G-quadruplex probes for the detection of Pb2+ using fluorescence anisotropy

Z. Wang, X. Pei, N. Li and X. Tang, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 4330 DOI: 10.1039/C6TB00539J

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