Instant on-paper protein digestion during blood spot sampling†
A concept integrating sampling and protein digestion is introduced here combining fast and simple fabrication by wax printing on filter paper with trypsin immobilized polymer beads. The paper reactors showed promising results with a high degree of protein digestion within fifty minutes in model protein mixtures as well as in human blood. The model protein mixture was used for the evaluation of performance both with and without a reduction and alkylation step. The paper reactors without reduction and alkylation showed between 46% and 75% protein sequence coverage and between five and 20 high confidence peptides (one and five zero missed cleavage peptides, respectively). Compared to a conventional in-solution approach, the paper reactor showed 10% less protein sequence coverage, 29% fewer high confidence peptides and 19% fewer high confidence peptides with zero missed cleavages. Placement of the protein reduction and alkylation step (before or after protein digestion) was shown to be of low importance. The storage stability of the paper reactors with (six weeks) and without (twelve weeks) tryptic peptides was satisfactory. The ability of the paper reactors to digest complex biological samples was investigated by comparison with human whole blood samples prepared using a conventional dried blood spot (DBS) procedure with overnight digestion in non-targeted analysis. The reactors showed a comparable performance with 75 ± 25 for the protein groups compared to 76 ± 5 for the DBS samples. Additionally, 267 ± 72 and 335 ± 11 unique peptides (high confidence) were identified for on-paper digestion and DBS, respectively.