Issue 62, 2017

A new route for the synthesis of a Ag nanopore–inlay–nanogap structure: integrated Ag-core@graphene-shell@Ag-jacket nanoparticles for high-efficiency SERS detection


We present a new route for the synthesis of Ag nanopore–inlay–nanogap structures using creviced graphene-shell encapsulated Cu nanoparticles (Cu@G-NPs) as the sacrificial templates. The as-synthesized integrated Ag-core@graphene-shell@Ag-jacket nanoparticles (AgC@G@AgJ-NPs) presents “chrysanthemum” shapes that contain abundant sub-10 nm size intraparticle nanopores/nanogaps, which can generate huge enhanced electromagnetic fields to support SERS activity, resulting in an average EF > 107 due to a high-density of intraparticle and interparticle “hot spots”.

Graphical abstract: A new route for the synthesis of a Ag nanopore–inlay–nanogap structure: integrated Ag-core@graphene-shell@Ag-jacket nanoparticles for high-efficiency SERS detection

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Jun 2017
07 Jul 2017
First published
10 Jul 2017

Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 8691-8694

A new route for the synthesis of a Ag nanopore–inlay–nanogap structure: integrated Ag-core@graphene-shell@Ag-jacket nanoparticles for high-efficiency SERS detection

H. Qiu, M. Wang, Z. Yang, S. Jiang, Y. Liu, L. Li, M. Cao and J. Li, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 8691 DOI: 10.1039/C7CC04218C

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