Issue 28, 2017

Synthesis, structure and dispersion interactions in bis(1,8-naphthalendiyl)distibine


Naph2Sb21 was synthesized by a reaction of 1,8-dilithionaphthalene NaphLi2 with SbCl3 and its solid state structure is reported on. 1 shows intermolecular interactions in the solid state, which were studied by quantum chemical calculations with dispersion corrected density functional theory, supermolecular ab initio approaches and symmetry adapted perturbation theory. The same methods were employed to compare the solid state interactions in the crystal of 1 to those in real (for E = P) and hypothetical (for E = As and Bi) crystal structures of Naph2E2. Dispersion interactions were found to provide the most important stabilising contribution in all cases, seconded by electrostatic attraction between pnictogen atoms and π-systems of neighbouring naphthyl groups.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, structure and dispersion interactions in bis(1,8-naphthalendiyl)distibine

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Article information

Article type
14 Jun 2017
17 Jun 2017
First published
19 Jun 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 9227-9234

Synthesis, structure and dispersion interactions in bis(1,8-naphthalendiyl)distibine

C. Ganesamoorthy, S. Heimann, S. Hölscher, R. Haack, C. Wölper, G. Jansen and S. Schulz, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 9227 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT02165H

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