Issue 9, 2017

A unified strategy for silver-, base-, and oxidant-free direct arylation of C–H bonds


Here, we report a dual catalytic approach for room temperature direct arylation of C–H bonds with aryldiazonium salts as a simple aryl group donor, also working as an internal oxidant via C–N2 bond cleavage. This unified strategy has been achieved by the synergistic combination of visible-light metal-free photoredox and palladium catalysis under silver-, base- and/or additive-free conditions. The broad substrate scope, functional group tolerance, excellent regioselectivity and redox-neutral conditions of this process make it attractive for the effective synthesis of a wide range of important N-heterocyclic commodities such as dibenzo[b,d]azepine, carbazole and phenanthridine.

Graphical abstract: A unified strategy for silver-, base-, and oxidant-free direct arylation of C–H bonds

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Dec 2016
04 Apr 2017
First published
04 Apr 2017

Green Chem., 2017,19, 2111-2117

A unified strategy for silver-, base-, and oxidant-free direct arylation of C–H bonds

M. K. Sahoo, S. P. Midya, V. G. Landge and E. Balaraman, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2111 DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03438A

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