Issue 20, 2017

Bio-based 1,3-diisobutyl imidazolium hydrogen oxalate [iBu2IM](HC2O4) as CO2 shuttle


This manuscript describes the using of biosourced L-valine, oxalic acid and glyoxal to produce a biobased imidazolium hydrogen oxalate [iBu2IM](HC2O4) which is converted to its related hydrogen carbonate salt by a simple electrolysis without using strong base. The addition of weak protic acids to the latter compound leads to a rapid and quantitative CO2 release with formation of the starting hydrogen oxalate salt or a new halide free bio-based ionic liquid [iBu2IM](AcO) which is able to adsorb reversibly the CO2 at room temperature. The protonation reactions, combined with electrolysis, could then be a promising alternative solution for storage and transport of CO2. They are indeed fast and use a thermally and air stable material produced from sustainable resources which are easily recycled by a low energy consuming process using non-expensive and corrosion-resistant equipment.

Graphical abstract: Bio-based 1,3-diisobutyl imidazolium hydrogen oxalate [iBu2IM](HC2O4) as CO2 shuttle

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Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2017
09 Sep 2017
First published
21 Sep 2017

Green Chem., 2017,19, 4912-4918

Bio-based 1,3-diisobutyl imidazolium hydrogen oxalate [iBu2IM](HC2O4) as CO2 shuttle

G. de Robillard, A. H. Fournier, H. Cattey, C. H. Devillers and J. Andrieu, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 4912 DOI: 10.1039/C7GC02167D

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