Issue 5, 2017

An intelligent universal system yields double results with half the effort for engineering a DNA “Contrary Logic Pairs” library and various DNA combinatorial logic circuits


As an outstanding candidate of molecular logic computing, DNA logic computing has gained extensive advancements across diverse research areas. Nevertheless, current DNA logic gates with various functions are fragmentary nominated and always constructed separately due to their different operating-principles. Tedious/obligatory gates’ redesign/reoperation resulted in longer time, higher costs and lower computing efficiency. Herein, we, for the first time, propose the concept of “Contrary Logic Pairs” to systematically classify DNA gates with opposite functions into “positive^negative” gates (CLP = Pos^Neg). By utilizing two fluorescent substrates (Amplex Red, Scopoletin) of G-quadruplex DNAzyme as label-free signal-reporters, based solely on DNA hybridization, we fabricated the first intelligent universal system that yields double results with half the effort for engineering a DNA CLPs library and various DNA combinatorial logic circuits. Differing from previous DNA logic systems, as for the non-interference between two substrates, “Pos^Neg” gates of each DNA CLPs in this system were operated via the same DNA reaction at one time, without gates’ redesign/reoperation. With the modulation of DNA reactions, a DNA CLPs library was fabricated. Moreover, through switching the selective/parallel operating-mode, “Pos^Neg” gates of each CLP could not only be alternatively constructed, but also be integrated into DNA combinatorial logic circuits (Pos/p/Neg). All the strategies largely simplified the operation and reduced the time/costs of current DNA gates’ construction by at least 1/2, accompanied with significantly improved computing efficiency. Furthermore, a DNA voter with “One-vote Deny” function that executed by multiple equal deniers was realized.

Graphical abstract: An intelligent universal system yields double results with half the effort for engineering a DNA “Contrary Logic Pairs” library and various DNA combinatorial logic circuits

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Article information

Article type
21 Jul 2017
04 Aug 2017
First published
04 Aug 2017

Mater. Horiz., 2017,4, 924-931

An intelligent universal system yields double results with half the effort for engineering a DNA “Contrary Logic Pairs” library and various DNA combinatorial logic circuits

D. Fan, E. Wang and S. Dong, Mater. Horiz., 2017, 4, 924 DOI: 10.1039/C7MH00564D

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