Issue 39, 2017

3D polymer objects with electronic components interconnected via conformally printed electrodes


We report the fabrication of 3D polymer objects that contain electrical components interconnected by conductive silver/carbon nanotube inks printed conformally onto their surfaces and through vertical vias. Electrical components are placed within internal cavities and recessed surfaces of polymer objects produced by stereolithography. Conformally printed electrodes that interconnect each electrical component exhibit a conductivity of ∼2 × 104 S cm−1 upon annealing at temperatures below 100 °C. Multiple 3D objects were created to demonstrate this hybrid additive manufacturing approach, including those with an embedded circuit operated by an air-suspended switch and a 3D circuit board composed of microcontroller unit, resistor, battery, light-emitting diode and sensor.

Graphical abstract: 3D polymer objects with electronic components interconnected via conformally printed electrodes

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Article type
09 Jun 2017
18 Aug 2017
First published
18 Sep 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 14798-14803

3D polymer objects with electronic components interconnected via conformally printed electrodes

Y. Jo, J. Y. Kim, S. Jung, B. Y. Ahn, J. A. Lewis, Y. Choi and S. Jeong, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 14798 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR04111J

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