Issue 44, 2017

From electroburning to sublimation: substrate and environmental effects in the electrical breakdown process of monolayer graphene


We report on the characterization of the electrical breakdown (EB) process for the formation of tunneling nanogaps in single-layer graphene. In particular, we investigated the role of oxygen in the breakdown process by varying the environmental conditions (vacuum and ambient conditions). We show that the density of oxygen molecules in the chamber is a crucial parameter that defines the physical breakdown process: at low density, the graphene lattice is sublimating, whereas at high density, the process involved is oxidation, independent of the substrate material. To estimate the activation energies of the two processes, we use a scheme which consists of applying voltage pulses across the junction during the breakdown. By systematically varying the voltage pulse length, and estimating the junction temperature from a 1D thermal model, we extract activation energies which are consistent with the sublimation of graphene under high vacuum and the electroburning process under air. Our study demonstrates that, in our system, a better control of the gap formation is achieved in the sublimation regime.

Graphical abstract: From electroburning to sublimation: substrate and environmental effects in the electrical breakdown process of monolayer graphene

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Article information

Article type
21 Jul 2017
03 Oct 2017
First published
05 Oct 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 17312-17317

From electroburning to sublimation: substrate and environmental effects in the electrical breakdown process of monolayer graphene

M. El Abbassi, L. Pósa, P. Makk, C. Nef, K. Thodkar, A. Halbritter and M. Calame, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 17312 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR05348G

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