Issue 7, 2017

Chiral GAP catalysts of phosphonylated imidazolidinones and their applications in asymmetric Diels–Alder and Friedel–Crafts reactions


The design and synthesis of recyclable imidazolidinone catalysts using GAP chemistry/technique was described. Their applications in asymmetric Diels–Alder and Friedel–Crafts reactions with α,β-unsaturated aldehydes resulted in excellent yields and higher enantioselectivities than previous processes. As recyclable small molecular catalysts, phosphonylated imidazolidinones can be recovered and reused for up to three runs without costing significant decrease in catalytic activity.

Graphical abstract: Chiral GAP catalysts of phosphonylated imidazolidinones and their applications in asymmetric Diels–Alder and Friedel–Crafts reactions

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Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2016
24 Jan 2017
First published
24 Jan 2017

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017,15, 1718-1724

Chiral GAP catalysts of phosphonylated imidazolidinones and their applications in asymmetric Diels–Alder and Friedel–Crafts reactions

S. Qiao, J. Mo, C. B. Wilcox, B. Jiang and G. Li, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017, 15, 1718 DOI: 10.1039/C6OB02801B

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