Issue 11, 2017, Issue in Progress

Highly uniform distribution of Pt nanoparticles on N-doped hollow carbon spheres with enhanced durability for oxygen reduction reaction


Carbon-supported Pt nanostructures currently exhibit great potential in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres (NHCSs) with extra low density and high specific surface area are a promising carbon support for loading Pt NPs. The doped heteroatom of nitrogen not only contributes to the active activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), but also shows a strong interaction with Pt NPs for entrapping them to prevent dissolution/migration. This synergetic effect/interaction resulted in the uniform dispersion and strong combination of the Pt NPs on the carbon support and thus plays a significant role in hindering the degradation of the catalytic activities of Pt NPs. As expected, the as-obtained Pt/NHCSs displayed improved catalytic activity and superior durability toward the ORR.

Graphical abstract: Highly uniform distribution of Pt nanoparticles on N-doped hollow carbon spheres with enhanced durability for oxygen reduction reaction

Article information

Article type
18 Oct 2016
06 Jan 2017
First published
19 Jan 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 6303-6308

Highly uniform distribution of Pt nanoparticles on N-doped hollow carbon spheres with enhanced durability for oxygen reduction reaction

Q. Shi, C. Zhu, M. H. Engelhard, D. Du and Y. Lin, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 6303 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA25391A

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