Issue 12, 2017, Issue in Progress

Facile synthesis of biocompatible MoSe2 nanoparticles for efficient targeted photothermal therapy of human lung cancer


Two-dimensional molybdenum selenide (MoSe2) nanosheets have been explored for their use as photothermal agents in tumor therapy although several biocompatibility and stability issues have hindered their use. Herein, a facile strategy to prepare PLGA–MoSe2 mixture coated with a folate (FA)-modified PEG-lipid shell led to the synthesis of multifunctional nanoparticles (FA–PL–MoSe2). The PEG-lipid shells endowed the insoluble MoSe2 nanosheets with excellent colloidal stability. FA–PL–MoSe2 nanoparticles did not only exhibit good photothermal properties, but also excellent photothermal stability. The FA conjugation promoted a high nanoparticle specificity to target human lung cancer SPC-A-1 cells as well as tumor tissue. In vitro cellular experiments demonstrated that FA–PL–MoSe2 had minor cytotoxicity, great biocompatibility, and could efficiently kill tumor cells under near-infrared laser (NIR, 808 nm) irradiation. Following about 1 month of treatment, FA–PL–MoSe2 showed good hemo-/histocompatibility combined with NIR irradiation and an improved tumor inhibition effect compared to PL–MoSe2, with no relapse and no significant systemic in vivo toxicity.

Graphical abstract: Facile synthesis of biocompatible MoSe2 nanoparticles for efficient targeted photothermal therapy of human lung cancer

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Article information

Article type
26 Nov 2016
14 Jan 2017
First published
23 Jan 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 7382-7391

Facile synthesis of biocompatible MoSe2 nanoparticles for efficient targeted photothermal therapy of human lung cancer

C. Zhong, X. Zhao, L. Wang, Y. Li and Y. Zhao, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 7382 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA27384J

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