Issue 24, 2017

Collective generation of milliemulsions by step-emulsification


Emulsification is a key step in many processes for the production and functionalization of dispersed liquid systems. Here, we report a versatile and robust device that generates monodisperse milliemulsions by step-emulsification. In contrast to the conventional design in which each channel is physically separated, we use a shallow plateau sandwiched between two parallel glass strips to connect all channels in a microcapillary film (MCF) before emerging in a deep reservoir. Because of the open plateau that connects different channels, the flow tips from neighboring channels may get immediately in contact with each other; this interaction may lead to the relative movement and deformation of the flow tips, to repulsion or even coalescence, enabling droplet generations from different channels to synchronize. By simply tuning the interaction, we achieve Janus droplets, drops of fluids mixed at different ratios and mixed drops of different compositions. The in situ generation of droplets with excellent control is essential for various applications.

Graphical abstract: Collective generation of milliemulsions by step-emulsification

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Article information

Article type
22 Jan 2017
03 Mar 2017
First published
07 Mar 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 14932-14938

Collective generation of milliemulsions by step-emulsification

X. Huang, M. Eggersdorfer, J. Wu, C. Zhao, Z. Xu, D. Chen and D. A. Weitz, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14932 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA00935F

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