Issue 5, 2018

Multi-spectrometer calibration transfer based on independent component analysis


Calibration transfer is indispensable for practical applications of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy due to the need for precise and consistent measurements across different spectrometers. In this work, a method for multi-spectrometer calibration transfer is described based on independent component analysis (ICA). A spectral matrix is first obtained by aligning the spectra measured on different spectrometers. Then, by using independent component analysis, the aligned spectral matrix is decomposed into the mixing matrix and the independent components of different spectrometers. These differing measurements between spectrometers can then be standardized by correcting the coefficients within the independent components. Two NIR datasets of corn and edible oil samples measured with three and four spectrometers, respectively, were used to test the reliability of this method. The results of both datasets reveal that spectra measurements across different spectrometers can be transferred simultaneously and that the partial least squares (PLS) models built with the measurements on one spectrometer can predict that the spectra can be transferred correctly on another.

Graphical abstract: Multi-spectrometer calibration transfer based on independent component analysis

Article information

Article type
19 Sep 2017
29 Jan 2018
First published
30 Jan 2018

Analyst, 2018,143, 1274-1280

Multi-spectrometer calibration transfer based on independent component analysis

Y. Liu, H. Xu, Z. Xia and Z. Gong, Analyst, 2018, 143, 1274 DOI: 10.1039/C7AN01555K

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