Issue 78, 2018

Optically pure 2-(quinolin-8-yloxy)cyclohexan-1-ol as a practical agent for molecular recognition by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy


Optically pure 2-(quinolin-8-yloxy)cyclohexan-1-ol 1, obtained via simple chemical and bio-catalytic steps, was used as a chiral solvating agent for molecular recognition of the enantiomers of acids. The discrimination of isomers was detected by NMR or fluorescence spectroscopy. Isomers of α-substituted carboxylic acids, phosphoric acids, unprotected amino acids and dipeptides were efficiently detected, while the method can be used for quantitative determination for practical applications. Analysis of the crystal of (R,R)-1 (R)-mandelic acid established a three point supramolecular interaction.

Graphical abstract: Optically pure 2-(quinolin-8-yloxy)cyclohexan-1-ol as a practical agent for molecular recognition by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy

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Article information

Article type
01 Aug 2018
07 Sep 2018
First published
07 Sep 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 11037-11040

Optically pure 2-(quinolin-8-yloxy)cyclohexan-1-ol as a practical agent for molecular recognition by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy

A. N. Khanvilkar and A. V. Bedekar, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 11037 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC06245E

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