Issue 14, 2018

An exploration of the use of Au submonolayer decorated Pd7Ir nanoparticles as a highly active electrocatalyst for the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media


Although very promising in its stabilizing effect, an inevitable loss on activity mostly exists when combining gold (Au) with other noble metals. Contrary to this knowledge, in this research an unexpected promotion of the Au submonolayer on palladium-iridium/carbon (Pd7Ir/C) nanoparticles towards the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media was explored and the corresponding mechanism was clarified.

Graphical abstract: An exploration of the use of Au submonolayer decorated Pd7Ir nanoparticles as a highly active electrocatalyst for the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media

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Article information

Article type
07 Jun 2018
18 Jun 2018
First published
21 Jun 2018

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018,8, 3465-3468

An exploration of the use of Au submonolayer decorated Pd7Ir nanoparticles as a highly active electrocatalyst for the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media

S. Shen, Y. Guo, G. Wei, L. Luo, F. Li, L. Li, G. Xia and J. Zhang, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018, 8, 3465 DOI: 10.1039/C8CY01176A

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