Predicting multiple Dirac-cones and ultrahigh Fermi velocity in perovskite R
c phase LaCuO3†
Three-dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetal as an intermediate between a trivial insulator and topological insulator has generated much attention, yet there are currently very few experimental studies. In this study, on the basis of density functional theory calculations and a theoretical tight-binding model, we have predicted that the experimentally synthesised LaCuO3 compound (Rc phase) possesses multiple Dirac cones in its electronic structure. The bands are linearly dispersed, and the compound exhibits comparable Fermi velocity (0.92 Ć 106 m sā1) to that of graphene; also, the bands possess large regions of linear dispersion. More interestingly, rings of Dirac nodes formed by multiple Dirac points and a distorted Dirac cone coexist in the LaCuO3 compound. The Dirac states in LaCuO3 are protected by the D3d symmetry, with dominant contributions from the d orbitals of Cu and p orbital of O. The particular space groups allow 3D Dirac points as symmetry-protected degeneracies. Thus, there are probably numerous 3D Dirac semimetals in the perovskite (R
c) phase yet to be discovered.