Issue 17, 2019

Nanopipettes: a potential tool for DNA detection


As the information in DNA is of practical value for clinical diagnosis, it is important to develop efficient and rapid methods for DNA detection. In the past decades, nanopores have been extensively explored for DNA detection due to their low cost and high efficiency. As a sub-group of the solid-state nanopore, nanopipettes exhibit great potential for DNA detection which is ascribed to their stability, ease of fabrication and good compatibility with other technologies, compared with biological and traditional solid-state nanopores. Herein, the review systematically summarizes the recent progress in DNA detection with nanopipettes and highlights those studies dedicated to improve the performance of DNA detection using nanopipettes through different approaches, including reducing the rate of DNA translocation, improving the spatial resolution of sensing nanopipettes, and controlling DNA molecules through novel techniques. Besides, some new perspectives of the integration of nanopipettes with other technologies are reviewed.

Graphical abstract: Nanopipettes: a potential tool for DNA detection

Article information

Article type
09 Apr 2019
19 Jun 2019
First published
20 Jun 2019

Analyst, 2019,144, 5037-5047

Nanopipettes: a potential tool for DNA detection

Z. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Yu, Y. Li, G. Qian and S. Chang, Analyst, 2019, 144, 5037 DOI: 10.1039/C9AN00633H

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