A time-resolved photoelectron imaging study on isolated tolane: observation of the biradicalic 1Au state†
Tolane (diphenylacetylene, C14H10) was studied by picosecond time-resolved photoionisation and photoelectron imaging in a supersonic jet. The low-energy part of the 1B1u ← S0 REMPI spectrum is very similar to an earlier LIF spectrum, however additional bands were observed at higher energies above the fluorescence cut-off. For a number of bands the dynamics were investigated via pump–probe photoionisation and photoelectron spectroscopy. Around the 1B1u origin the lifetimes are in the ns range, but they drop to some 10 ps at higher excitation energies. For the short-lived bands at higher energies a sequential two-step relaxation to a long-lived electronic state was observed proceeding via an intermediately populated state with a lifetime of 100–200 ps. By comparison with previous quantum chemical calculations we assign this state as the biradicalic trans-bent1Au state that is ionised in a two-photon process.