Issue 40, 2019

A new set of metal–organic frameworks synthesised from diisophthalate-based, 2′-phosphorus-substituted m-terphenyl linker molecules


Four metal–organic frameworks employing the m-terphenyl diisophthalate linker molecule with 2′ substitution by P(V)-based functional groups of the central aryl have been synthesised. The dense packing of POMe2/PSMe2 functional groups within UHM-60/UHM-61 (UHM: University of Hamburg Materials) with an underlying net of ucp topology was overcome by increasing the sterical demand of phosphorus substituents. Replacement of the PEMe2 (E = O, S) functional groups by POEt2 or POPh2 gave UHM-62 and UHM-63, respectively, where valid deconstructions of the underlying topology to types 3,3,4,4T199, tim, and tst were found. The potential influence of the now-accessible phosphoryl functional group towards CO2 and CH4 adsorption as well as the selectivity towards CO2/CH4 separation was studied. Based on a comprehensive survey of literature-known Cu(II)-based MOFs with m-terphenyl-based linker molecules, we propose the deconstruction of inter-isophthalate plane angles to angular components of twist and fold allowing for the sophisticated classification of topologies that can be realised in Cu(II)-based MOFs using the m-terphenyl tetracarboxylate linker molecule.

Graphical abstract: A new set of metal–organic frameworks synthesised from diisophthalate-based, 2′-phosphorus-substituted m-terphenyl linker molecules

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Article information

Article type
25 Jul 2019
23 Sep 2019
First published
23 Sep 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 15127-15135

A new set of metal–organic frameworks synthesised from diisophthalate-based, 2′-phosphorus-substituted m-terphenyl linker molecules

T. Stein, F. Hoffmann and M. Fröba, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 15127 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03044A

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