Issue 16, 2019

Enhanced catalytic activity of cobalt nanoparticles encapsulated with an N-doped porous carbon shell derived from hollow ZIF-8 for efficient synthesis of nitriles from primary alcohols in water


A cobalt catalyst derived from a unique core–shell structure based on hollow ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 (ZIF-67@ZIF-8) is prepared, which exhibits excellent catalytic efficiency for the synthesis of nitriles from alcohols in water under mild conditions (1 atm O2, 50 °C) owing to its large BET surface area, high pore volume, high basicity and hydrophilicity.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced catalytic activity of cobalt nanoparticles encapsulated with an N-doped porous carbon shell derived from hollow ZIF-8 for efficient synthesis of nitriles from primary alcohols in water

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Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2019
25 Jul 2019
First published
26 Jul 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 4334-4340

Enhanced catalytic activity of cobalt nanoparticles encapsulated with an N-doped porous carbon shell derived from hollow ZIF-8 for efficient synthesis of nitriles from primary alcohols in water

K. Sun, J. Sun, G. Lu and C. Cai, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 4334 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC01893J

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